Citizen Outfits Quest ~ Portal - Rookgaard - Tibia

Citizen Outfits Quest

Outfit Citizen Male Addon 3.gif Outfit Citizen Female Addon 3.gif
Addons para os Citizen Outfits, achievement Exemplary Citizen.
Vários locais de Rookgaard  para conseguir os itens.
Você enfrentará:
Minotaurs, Chickens, Wasps e Bears
Level: Premium:Duração:Grupo:Dificuldade:
0Tick.pngLonga1 jogadorDifícil
Old Piece of Paper.gifAs cidades devem ter orgulho de chamar alguém como você de "cidadão exemplar". Sempre mantendo as ruas limpas e ajudando a resolver os conflitos habituais em frente ao depósito. Além disso, você provavelmente possui um animal de estimação e gosta de fazer caminhadas.


  • Todos os players possuem esse outfit. Somente os addons são parte dessa quest.

Feather Hat

Outfit Citizen Male Addon 2.gif Outfit Citizen Female Addon 2.gif

Equipamento necessário

  • 100 Chicken Feathers
  • 50 Honeycombs
  • 1 Legion Helmet


  • Vá até a NPC Norma na loja de comidas (aquiMap (Colour).gif).
  • Pergunte a ela sobre o hat. Ela irá fazer o chapéu para você, mas ela precisa de algum material primeiro.
  • Pegue Chicken Feather matando Chickens.
  • Pegue o Legion Helmet com o Seymour na academia de Rookgaard. (Você irá precisar de uma caixa de presente para trocar pelo Legion Helmet, ou pegue ele em um Rotworm.
  • Os Honeycombs você pode coletar matando Bears ou Wasps.
  • Dê para ela os itens que você coletou e ela fará o chapéu para você.


Jogador: hi
Norma: Welcome, welcome! Have a seat! If you like a drink or something to eat, just ask me for a trade!
Jogador: hat
Norma: Pretty, isn't it? I made it myself, but I could teach you how to do that if you like. What do you say?
Jogador: yes
Norma: Okay, here we go, listen closely! I need a few things... a basic hat of course, maybe a legion helmet would do. Then about 100 chicken feathers... and 50 honeycombs as glue.That's it, come back to me once you gathered it!!
Jogador: bye

Norma: Come back soon!
Jogador: hi
Norma: Welcome, welcome! Have a seat! If you like a drink or something to eat, just ask me for a trade!
Jogador: hat
Norma: Oh, you're back already? Did you bring a legion helmet, 100 chicken feathers and 50 honeycombs?
Jogador: yes
Norma: Great job! That must have taken a lot of work. Okay, you put it like this... then glue like this... here!
Jogador: bye
Norma: Come back soon!


Outfit Citizen Male Addon 1.gif Outfit Citizen Female Addon 1.gif

Equipamento necessário

  • 100 Minotaur Leathers


  • Vá até a Amber a "Resting Room" abaixo da Academia (aquiMap (Colour).gif).
  • Pergunte a ela sobre addon (a backpack). Ela falará que o addon não está a venda, mas ela pode fazer uma para você se trouxeres os itens que ela precisa.
  • Dê para ela as Minotaur Leathers.
  • Volte até ela em uma hora e ela irá te dar o backpack addon.


Jogador: hi
Amber: Oh hello, nice to see you Player. Are you here to hear some stories of my adventures or do you need help?
Jogador: addon
Amber: Ah, you noticed my new accessory? Sorry, this one is not for sale. It's handmade from rare minotaur leather.
Jogador: minotaur leather
Amber: Well, if you really like this backpack, I could make one for you, but minotaur leather is hard to come by these days. Are you willing to put some work into this?
Jogador: yes

Amber: Alright then, if you bring me 100 pieces of fine minotaur leather I will see what I can do for you. You probably have to kill really many minotaurs though... so good luck!
Jogador: hi
Amber: Oh hello, nice to see you Player. Are you here to hear some stories of my adventures or do you need help?
Jogador: backpack
Amber: Ah, right, almost forgot about the backpack! Have you brought me 100 pieces of minotaur leather as requested?
Jogador: yes
Amber: Great! Alright, I need a while to finish this backpack for you. Come ask me later, okay?
Jogador: bye

Amber: See you later, Player.
2 horas depois
Jogador: hi
Amber: Oh hello, nice to see you Player. Are you here to hear some stories of my adventures or do you need help?
Jogador: addon
Amber: Just in time! Your backpack is finished. Here you go, I hope you like it.
Jogador: bye

Amber: See you later, Player.

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